Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Whole New Mind

In 2006, during a previous hotel life, my then General Manager went to lecture by a man called Daniel H. Pink.  Mr. Pink, a well known author, previously published a book called "Free Agent Nation", at that time his second book called "A Whole New Mind, Why Right-Brainers will rule the future", was receiving a great reviews and recognition.  Mr. Pink's presentation so impressed the GM he bought me back a copy.

In the two short years since then, (as I get older the years do feel shorter), I have read and re-read this book, further more his well referenced book has led to a string of other reading; including Peter Drucker, Viktor Frankl and Daniel Goleman.   One day I will probably add something of those books to this blog but today an introduction to "A Whole New Mind" is my goal.

The main contention of Mr. Pink is that we need new skills, "aptitudes", to ensure we, (you and me), have a jobs going forward into the 21st century.
"To survive in this age, individuals and organizations must examine what they're doing to earn a living and ask themselve three questions:
  • Can someone overseas do it cheaper?
  • Can a computer do it faster?
  • Is what I'm offering in demand in an age of abundance

He spends most of his book introducing the six aptitudes that he explains will help us adapt to an ever changing world. The aptitudes are; Design, Story, Symphony, Empathy, Play and Meaning.  Somewhere amongst the different posts on this blog I am hoping you will find one or more of these aptitudes.  Putting these ideas down will help me see these aptitudes "at work", if it helps you too then great!

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